so i approached thanksgiving this year thinking about all the wonderful blessings i would write about in my blog. maybe a bit cliche, but sincere and heartfelt. the past several months have truly been amazing and i am thankful beyond words for the loving support of friends, family, and new clients that are propelling me to the career of my dreams! i still haven't even told you all the good stuff. 2015 is going to be incredible!!!
anyway... i woke up on thanksgiving grateful to be with my kids and at my dad's (even more grateful he's still here to celebrate with), only to realize my business email had been hacked. i knew this because there was an email in my personal account from my business account asking for prayers and support. hmmm. i don't need to ask for prayers and support. i went to catholic school, i have a direct line of communication to the big guy for all that pain and suffering thank you very much! 3 changes of my password and 6 hours wasted on thanksgiving online, including 1 hour and 15 minutes on hold with yahoo and i think all is good. rest assured, i do not have a cousin in ukraine needing a bone marrow transplant, nor one in nigeria needing a plane ticket from hell. if i did, i, genetically speaking, would probably have one beautiful year-round tan and a super sexy accent. but i don't, so we know those email pleas are not true.
when i was searching the internet for info on hacking i came across some pretty interesting images, color and design-wise, and i'd much rather think about stuff like that. so here's my photoshop ode to being hacked...