
is wallpaper back...

i have been asked this many times in the past 1-2 years.  my response is an enthusiastic, "heck yeah!!!"  take a gander at some projects of mine where the wallpaper sometimes steals the show...

photo credit: top left, jeff herr photography; the other 3, me

photo credit: top left, jeff herr photography; the other 3, me

we'll start with the grasscloth shots, cause that's a bit more traditional, and perhaps a bit more comfortable.  i'm a very tactile person, so anything i can touch and really experience first hand is fabulous in my mind!!  above we have 3 dining rooms and a bedroom - all with so much more depth and texture thanks to the grasscloth!

photo credit: gold floral and blue fern patterns, emily jenkins followill photography; bottom right, jeff herr photography; all others, me

photo credit: gold floral and blue fern patterns, emily jenkins followill photography; bottom right, jeff herr photography; all others, me

now on to some of the patterned papers i've used.  when i look back on these pics i am a bit overwhelmed.  these spaces are so exceptionally cool, in my mind at least ;) and mostly because of the wallpaper.  it just adds that extra element of "wow, how daring is this person to try this?!".  ok.  maybe that's a tad over the top, but i think all of these rooms would be much more "yeah, that's nice" without the additional vavavavoom that happens with the wallpaper.

the real point here is, yes!  wallpaper is back and embrace it baby and have fun and unleash your tactile, your sensual, your over the top, your vibrant, your confidence, and hang some wallpaper already!!

